Level II

This program is for established K-9 Specialists members or specially approved dogs who are ready to level up. Now that your dog has a sound mind, maturity, and a strong bond between dog and master, we can now guide you for your advanced & customized work.

“It’s not the destination, it’s the Journey.”

  • Program Length:

    4+ weeks

  • Age Requirement:

    Starting at 12 Months+*

    *Dog must be minimum 12 months of age.

  • Prerequisites:

    Level I or must demonstrate similar advanced training background.

  • Evaluation:

    $125 (75-90 minutes).

  • Individual Sessions:

    $75 (45-60 minutes).

  • Level II Board & Train:

    $3,000 ($750 per week*).

    *4 Week Minimum program. Customized programs may require additional weeks. 

    *Half of the payment is due at booking; second half of payment is due upon completion.

The Journey

Hard Work Will Yield a Great Reward!

What to expect

Welcome to Level II Board & Train Camp, 

This program is completely customized based on the individual. Once you and your dog can demonstrate your bond through The Structure and have curated The ‘want-to’ Attitude; now you are both ready for more challenges and freedom! 

Our most popular areas of focus are protection work, service, & sport. Other areas of focus also include companion, guard dog, tracking, etc. Also, if not already in practice, here is where we begin off-leash obedience and ‘in-motion’ commands. If your dog has some good experience with off-leash training, this is a great foundation for us to work with and we will take your dog to the next level of off-leash training.

Level II Advanced Training is an exciting part of your Journey! This time allows for owners to enjoy their dog’s full capabilities! We believe in doing more with dogs, but there is no great reward without hard work; and at this level your dog should have mastered Level I and have great behavior skills. 

Upon completion of this program, the owner must expect that work with your dog never ends. Dogs are not robots with remotes. Rather, your Journey has just began. Let us help guide you. 

(*This program does not guarantee your dog will be a i.e., a service, or guard dog, etc., but this program will equip you and your dog with the skills to do the work. Specific skill certification readiness is always at the discretion of our trainers for approval. We do not guarantee every dog who completes this program will be suitable and approved for special tasks. * Also, although the area of focus is chosen by the owner, the owner must accept that not all dogs are capable of specific tasks. It is at the discretion of the trainer if your dog can meet your special requests. * If your training focus requires any of the following but not limited to, extra trainer one-on-one time, or multiple trainer time, extra travel, or extended specific training tasks, this could incur additional expense(s) allocated for trainer’s time and/or travel expenses*).

The Structure

Our philosophy is built on the foundation of positive reinforcement. This method requires a greater investment of time, but the results are worth the wait. 

Does your dog need structure? Start here at Level I Board & Train Camp.

The Attitude

The Attitude is the difference between ‘have to’ and ‘want to’ obey.

Do we need to reshape your dog’s attitude? Start here at Level I Board & Train Camp.


Here we start with off-leash training and ‘in-motion,’ commands. We challenge your dog to think while still having plenty of fun too. Once we instill these commands and off-leash moves, we begin to transfer them to the area of focus. 

(An example of basic off leash training commands include Come, Sit, Down, Heel, Sit “in-motion,” Down “in-motion,” and Heel “in-motion.” These exercises are designed for dogs who already know these commands when standing still, this takes it to the next level of while moving.)

The first week of the Level II Board & Training Camp is dedicated to developing a relationship and identifying what your dog needs to succeed. Depending on your dog’s readiness after 2 to 3 weeks, it is required that you schedule trainings with us so you can participate and learn alongside your dog under your trainer’s leadership. Typically, this advanced training may require the owner to be more involved than Level I. This is at the discretion of your trainer. 

Throughout this program we will continue to instill positive reinforcement and build upon the Level I components of The Structure and The Attitude.  This continues to build the dog’s confidence in a positive manner. 

When your dog completes your custom program, your dog will be able to perform the following four commands off-leash in a language of your choice: Come, Sit, Down, and Heel. Upon pick-up of your dog, you and your dog will receive a closure session, which will prepare you for the transition back home. 

Your dog will have deepened their skill set based on your customized program. You as the master will gain the positive reinforcement tools and knowledge of how to continue to guide your dog in your Journey. 

Your Journey has only just begun!

LEVEL II Camp Package Details

Please Read

Package Extra Add-On’s:

*Visitation:  If you would like to visit your dog during camp, you are welcome to by an appointment. In person visitation & training with us is welcomed and encouraged after two – three weeks.

*In-Home Transition: To help ensure that you and your dog make a smooth transition of coming home, we can arrange one of our trainers to visit you at your home. $80/Hr (Drive time not included).

    • After the first week, you can expect a personal phone call from one of our handlers. This phone call will inform you of your dog’s evaluation and how we will customize our training program to advance your dog and address his/her needs.
    • Upon request, your dog can also be evaluated for advanced sport training and special skills. Including sport, tracking, IPO, police services, etc.
Environmental Soundness Exposure
    • Based on your dog’s evaluation, we want to introduce textures and objects such as tile flooring, carpet, mirrors, escalators, elevators, busy streets, stairs, etc. This package allows enough time for the dog to build a strong confidence in environmental situations.
    • This package allows enough time for the dog to build a strong confidence in socializing appropriately. Your dog will act calm and well-mannered with no bad habits of jumping, pulling, barking, etc.
Random house trainHouse Training
    • Our house obedience training program ensures that your dog will have appropriate habits while living with you in your home. Upon completion, your dog will build positive experiences with being crate trained. He/she will be happy to go to their crate because it’s their ‘bedroom.’ Also, we will invest in teaching your dog to relieve itself outside, not inside your home.
Advanced On/Off-Leash Obedience
    • With advanced On/Off Leash Obedience, your dog will be able to preform introductory commands and “in-motion” commands.
    • These commands can be customized to any language you choose. Your dog will also be able to perform these commands off-leash (Does not mean your dog will perform commands all day in stressful/public situations; the environment must be appropriate for the dog to perform.
    • It is very important that your dog knows appropriate behavior around other people and animals. We want your dog, as well as who and what you allow your dog to interact with, to have good and positive experiences without negative reactions. This package allows enough time for the dog to build a strong confidence in socializing appropriately. Your dog will act calm and well-mannered with no bad habits of jumping, pulling, barking, etc.
Contact us to discuss options for your Dog.


It is not easy to decide about proper training for your dog. Let us help you by answering any question you may have – our experienced trainers can be reached via 720.320.4760 or by the Form below

    Please study all of our information. Once ready, please complete our Admission Request to be considered.

    K-9 Specialists Trainers In Action